viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010

Patrik Schumacher, Parametricism and the Autopoiesis of Architecture

September 15, 2010 6:30AM - 8:30AM
Columbia University
Partner, Zaha Hadid Architects, Founding Director AADRL, London
Patrik Schumacher is partner at Zaha Hadid Architects and founding director at the AA Design Research Lab. He joined Zaha Hadid in 1988.
Patrik Schumacher studied philosophy and architecture in Bonn, London and Stuttgart, where he received his Diploma in architecture in 1990. In 1999 he completed his PHD at the Institute for Cultural Science, Klagenfurt University. In 1996 he founded the "Design Research Laboratory" with Brett Steele, at the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London, and continues to serve as one of its co-directors. Since 2004 Patrik Schumacher is also tenured Professor at the Institute for Experimental Architecture, Innsbruck University. Currently he is also a guest professor at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna.
The lecture will present the case for Parametricism as a new unified, epochal style for the 21st century. The reach of Parametricism is global, and its scope is universal, including urbanism, architecture, interior design, as well as furniture and product design. The discussion of Parametricism will be conceptually framed within the theory of architectural autopoiesis which analyses architecture as a self-referentially closed system of communications that takes exclusive and universal responsibility for the innovation of the built environment within society. During the last 30 years society radically transformed into what one might call post-fordist network society. The attendant crisis of Modernism engendered a period of radical critique, experimentation, and theoretical confusion. Only recently, in the new millenium, has a new avant-garde movement gathered sufficient strength, coherence and confidence to establish a new global paradigm after modernism. Against this horizon  Parametricism will be defined operationally  - both positively and negatively -  via its  functional and formal heuristics. The arguments will be illustrated and underpinned by recent work from Zaha Hadid Architects and from the AA Design Research Lab.

sábado, 4 de septiembre de 2010

Patrick Schumacher: Parametricism and the Autopoiesis of Architecture

September 13, 2010 7:30PM
Graduation Pavilion

Patrick Schumacher: Parametricism and the Autopoiesis of Architecture
Intro by Eric Owen Moss

Schumacher studied philosophy and architecture in Bonn, London, and Stuttgart, where he received his Diploma in architecture in 1990. In 1999 he completed his Ph.D. at the Institute for Cultural Science, Klagenfurt University. In 1996 he founded the Design Research Laboratory with Brett Steele, at the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London, where he continues to serve as one of its co-directors. Since 2004 Schumacher has been a tenured Professor at the Institute for Experimental Architecture, Innsbruck University. Currently he is also a guest professor at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. His extensive theoretical writings are available at 

The lecture will present the case for Parametricism as a new unified, epochal style for the 21st century. The reach of Parametricism is global, and its scope is universal, including urbanism, architecture, interior design, as well as furniture and product design. The discussion of Parametricism will be conceptually framed within the theory of architectural autopoiesis, which analyses architecture as a self-referentially closed system of communications, taking exclusive and universal responsibility for the innovation of the built environment within society.

During the last 30 years, society radically transformed into what one might call a post-Fordist network society. The attendant crisis of modernism engendered a period of radical critique, experimentation, and theoretical confusion. Only recently, in the new millenium, has a new avant-garde movement gathered sufficient strength, coherence and confidence to establish a new global paradigm after modernism. Against this horizon, Parametricism will be defined operationally, both positively and negatively, via its functional and formal heuristics. The arguments will be illustrated and underpinned by recent work from Zaha Hadid Architects and from the AA Design Research Lab.

sábado, 12 de junio de 2010

Automation in Construction: Special Issues

Automation in Construction is an international journal for the publication of original research papers. The journal publishes refereed material on all aspects pertaining to the use of Information Technologies in Design, Engineering, Construction Technologies, and Maintenance and Management of Constructed Facilities.

Volume 19, Issue 4 (2010), pp. 387-520 (July 2010)
edited by Ricardo Jardim-Goncalves, Antonio Grilo

Volume 19, Issue 5 (2010), pp. 521-664 (August 2010)
Building Information Modeling and Collaborative Working Environments
edited by Antonio Grilo, Ricardo Jardim-Goncalves

domingo, 30 de mayo de 2010



Proyecto de Norma (documento tecnico ABNT)  elaborado en Brasil durante el año 2009 por un comite de representantes profesionales, academicos, empresariales y del sector publico. Consultar aqui: Texto Norma Bim- Consulta Nacional
La Sociedad Iberoamericana de Grafica Digital (Sigradi) es la principal organizacion academica y profesional en latinoamerica, que desde hace quince años esta dedicada al desarrollo y debate de los nuevos medios tecnológicos en arquitectura y diseño.
Este blog pretende difundir y discutir las posibilidades del nuevo paradigma de Modelacion de Información Constructiva (BIM: Building Information Modeling), que permite integrar a los proyectistas, ejecutores y proveedores en el proceso de edificación, mejorando la productividad y calidad de la actividad constructiva. Pretendemos revisar en particular el desarrollo de normativas, estrategias de trabajo y actividades de colaboración en este ambito, para arribar con acciones especificas al XIV Congreso Sigradi el 17-19 de Noviembre en Bogota, Colombia.
Invitamos entonces a compartir antecedentes, eventos, posibilidades y opiniones sobre BIM en Iberoamérica.
Dr. Rodrigo Garcia Alvarado, U. Bio-Bio, Concepcion, Chile
Coordinacion Grupo BIM-SIGraDi

sábado, 24 de abril de 2010

modeLab Parametric Design Workshop | NYC

This workshop will engage the conceptual and technical domain of parametric design by introducing participants to systemic processes capable of registering and responding to a range of diverse ecologic criteria. Emphasis will be placed on workflows that utilize constraint-based design, associative modeling techniques, and environmental influencers to discover novel and inventive design solutions. More information

viernes, 9 de abril de 2010

Tre anni di DigitAG :: Book by Andrea Graziano

Tre anni di blog ... non mi sembra vero.
Ho deciso di farne un ebook-pdf per alcuni motivi:
  • Iinnanzitutto perchè può essere comodo per chi arriva sul mio blog per la prima volta in modo da farsi una idea del tutto senza non doversi necessariamente navigare tutto il blog.
  • Perchè è una collezione di link sempre a portata di mano.
  • Perchè nella sua semplicità è uno specchio (in)fedele di ciò che è successo in questi tre anni nel campo della ricerca architettonica digitale, del suo sviluppo, delle sue mutazioni e della vasta proliferazione sul web di siti e sperimentazioni inerenti.
  • Per ringraziare tutti coloro che ho linkato e che sono i veri protagonisti del blog.
Grazie a tutti!
Congrats Andrea! un abrazo, Pablo.

miércoles, 24 de marzo de 2010

AW1. Diseño Paramétrico y Fabricación Digital

Abril 19-24, 2010. Lima, Perú.
El AW1 es un Taller de diseño Asociativo y Fabricación Digital de una semana de duración, es impartido por ARTificial y está abierto a todos los diseñadores del continente Latino-Americano con interés en el uso y la aplicación de Rhinoceros+Grasshopper orientado a la fabricación digital, el uso de Maquinas de Fabricación Digital controladas por CNC y la inquietud por desarrollar nuevas formas de diseño y la re-definición de la realidad del Nuevo Continente.
Instructors: MArch. Krystian Kwiecinski (Director) + MArch. Luis F. Odiaga (Co-Director)

lunes, 8 de febrero de 2010

SIGraDi 2010: Call for Abstracts

Author Guidelines
The Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics SIGraDi call to participate to the XIV International Congress that will be held between 17th and 19th November 2010 in Bogota, Colombia.
Conference will be hosted by Universidad de los Andes, and will be put together by the Architecture and Design Department along with Engineering and Arts Departments.
Our 2010 main theme is Disruption, Modelation and Construction: Shifting dialogues.
The papers and works can apply to the proposed theme and/or to SIGRADI interest areas that contribute to the knowledge field divided in the following areas and focus on:
  • Design supported by collaborative ambients (CAD-i)
  • Human Machine Interfaces (HMI or HMHI)
  • Visualization and decision-making
  • Urban interventions
  • New media in heritage conservation
  • Didactics and curriculum
  • Disruption poetics

jueves, 4 de febrero de 2010

Workshops in Advanced Digital Tecnologies

Date/Time: February 13-14, 2010; 10am – 5pm
Cost: $100 students, $200 Professionals
The only constant in the relationship between design and technology is change. As designers we are inundated with new methods for the design, analysis, and fabrication of objects, buildings, and cities. In order to negotiate this dynamic relationship, we need ways to critically retool our design process. FORMATIONS, an annual event at the California College of the Arts, provides a platform for students and professionals in the design disciplines to explore, evaluate, and critique new technologies in an intensely productive atmosphere. FORMATIONS is a collaboration of the three research labs at CCA: MEDIAlab, URBANlab, and ECOlab. Each year the focus of the event evolves to reflect emerging research topics in the fields of architecture, landscape, and urban design in relationship to new media.
FORMATIONS 2010 will explore how emerging digital technologies can be used to engage the complex relationship between form, information and performance. Designers of buildings, landscapes and cities are increasingly searching for new analytic, synthetic, and generative tools that facilitate an integrative design process. FORMATIONS 2010 will investigate both established and experimental approaches to integrating parametric and performative modeling, information technologies, and interactive media. FORMATIONS 2010 will consist of a series of intensive two-day workshops that combine software tutorials with design charettes. The event will conclude with a public presentation and symposium. References