martes, 3 de mayo de 2011

International Conference Biodigital Architecture & Genetics

Monday-Wednesday, 30th May - 1st June 2011
Biodigital Architecture Workshop (Workshop Directors: Alessio Erioli, Aref Maksoud, Alejandro Muiño)
ESARQ, School of Architecture, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Wednesday, 1st June - Sunday, 5th June
Alberto T. Estévez, Conference Chair, Biodigital Architecture and Genetics :: Mauro Costa, Biological analogies in architecture and design :: Alessio Erioli, Intensive aesthetics :: Diego Cuevas, Fabricating the biodigital :: Antonio Vacca, Topological and genetic architecture :: Sergio Hidalgo, Bio-logic and nature’s geometry in architecture :: Daniela Frogheri, Digital aggregations and biological knowledge :: Julian Ardila, Possible imaginary worlds :: Aref Maksoud, Genetic architecture visualization :: Lamila Simisic, Architecture of the clash :: Alejandro Muiño, Natural process :: David Anton, Genobits: Processes’ reactions in architecture of systems :: Elif Erdogan, Fusion of computation and genetics in design :: Mireia Luzárraga, Form, energy and performance :: Arne Riekstins, Animation Methods in Urban Planning :: Pedro Sousa, Experiences like researcher, teacher and professional in biodigital architecture :: Gonçalo Henriques, Digital conception and fabrication: A new morphogenesis :: Rosa Cervera & Javier Pioz, Towards a bionic reality :: Rosa Cervera & Javier Pioz, The Bionic Tower :: Visit to the Sagrada Familia of Antoni Gaudí in Barcelona :: UIC’s Campus, Biodiversity actions, trees’ plantations & Mediterranean diet aperitif

Un evento especial que puede ser de vuestro interés, con contenidos de arquitectura biodigital e inscripción gratuita: inscripciones al +34 93 254 18 27 o al email (aforo limitado).

A special event that can be for your interest, with biodigital architecture contents, and free inscriptions: We more information +34 93 254 18 27 or email (limited capacity).

lunes, 11 de abril de 2011

Fab Lab Open Workshop FLOW 2 :: Medellin, Colombia

En su segunda versión, y dirigido por el arquitecto Gabriel Ochoa y su equipo, se concentraran en el problema de la vivienda, poniendo a prueba el uso de Grasshopper para controlar las variables de un revestimiento. Como en la versión anterior, el uso de equipos de fabricación dentro del taller, permite entender la exploración de soluciones junto a la producción del proyecto, identificando problemas recurrentes que sólo la práctica y trayectoria de los instructores la convertirán en una experiencia única.
El taller se desarrolla en la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia en las siguientes fechas:
Abril 18-22, 2011. Mas información escribiendo al email.

domingo, 10 de abril de 2011

WORKSHOP SERIES 1: Pieles Responsivas (Abril 2011)

5512502167_054573f68f_b 5512502167_054573f68f_b

25 al 29 de Abril, 2011.
Facultad de Arquitectura :: Universidad Mayor. Temuco, Chile
Francisco Calvo y Katherine Cáceres [Dum–Dum Lab]
En esta oportunidad el WS1 tendrá lugar en Temuco, donde a través del manejo de Rhinoceros y Grasshopper se desarrollarán estrategias de diseño generativo de estas “pieles-responsivas”, entendidas como un nuevo tipo de infraestructura capaz de adaptarse a diferentes configuraciones geométricas y topológicas con respecto a su entorno. Las pieles se desarrollarán en el sitio de un proyecto específico y deberán responder a las necesidades de un contexto existente.

Se desarrollarán herramientas de mapeo y diagramación, capaces de capturar el comportamiento dinámico de agentes ambientales [radiación solar, intensidad ,orientación, etc.] y patrones de interacción humana [ flujos peatonales, niveles de ocupación, etc.]. Estos diagramas serán incorporados como datos de entrada que activan/modi can la estructura interna de los modelos paramétricos a desarrollar, utilizando Grasshopper como un motor de diferenciación donde cada modelo será el resultado de las lógicas de negociación aplicadas en diferentes instancias temporales.

En esta sesión de WS1–Temuco el escenario de estudio y diseño será la Feria Pinto. A través de la metodología a impartir será posible reconocer y reinterpretar variables en el contexto que permitirán informar un nuevo diseño de la cubierta ferial.

miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

Call for Papers XV SIGraDi 2011 Conference "Augmented Culture"

XV Congreso SIGRADI 2011

Call for Papers: February 15, 2011 - April 15, 2011
We invite you to submit abstracts with a maximum of 600 words before April 15th 2011. Abstracts may be written in Spanish, Portuguese or English. You must also indicate your work’s interest area, approach, category and five (5) keywords. A synthesis image could be incorporated.
Abstracts will be reviewed and evaluated through a blind peer review process using the International Scientific Committee. Criteria for acceptance are adequacy to the conference theme, relevance, originality, premises and clarity of presentation.
All conference information and communication will be available through the conference website and through email:  or
Author Guidelines
  • They could have a maximum of 600 words.
  • The accepted languages are: Spanish, Portuguese or English.
  • Yoy should indicate the work’s interest area, approach, category and five (5) keywords (this information goes outside the abstract).
  • A synthesis image, in jpg format and 72 ppp of resolution, could be incorporated.
We suggest not adding references, with the exception of footnotes for citations in the text, which will be emphasized between quotes and with italic type.
Direct references to authors and/or their institutions, must be avoided.
Start here to submit a paper to this conference.

Facultad de Arquitectura Diseño y Urbanismo
Universidad Nacional del Litora.

Fab 7 : Lima, August 2011

The Seventh International Fab Lab Conference by FabLab LIMA.
Lima, August, 2011
Fab7 is the annual international Fab Lab event which gathers field practitioners and laboratory researchers from the FabLab network and beyond, for a week hands-on workshops and a one day academyc symposium on the principles and applications of digital fabrication.

domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011

Guadalajara Workshop: Grasshopper

Workshop destinado principalmente a Arquitectos y Diseñadores interesados en el aprendizaje del diseño paramétrico y la creación de algoritmos generativos para su implementación en distintos procesos del diseño, el curso cubrira los conceptos basicos para abordar proyectos de diseño a través del desarollo de herramientas algoritmicas mediante un processo de programación visual , utilizaremos el software Rhino 3d y el plugin Grasshopper como nuestras herramientas de trabajo.
Instructores: Rodrigo Medina | Daniel Camiro
Lugar: CID [centro integral de diseño]
Plaza Andares Local UPST2-01 Ingreso por Av. Acueducto, Zapopan, Jalisco, México
Fechas: 01 / 02 / 03 de Abril 2011
Todos los niveles de experiencia son bienvenidos el unico requisito es tener un entendimiento basico de los programas CAD y una actitud positiva hacia el aprandizaje de dichas herramientas.
*Los participantes deberan traer su propia laptop con todo el software y actualizaciones (originales o verisones de demostración oficiales)previamente instaladas.(se fijara una fecha unos días antes para revisar que todos los equipos esten en orden y listos para trabajar)
Mas información

jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011

IJAC Call for Article Submissions: Deadline: 15 April 2011

Call for Article SubmissionsWe invite authors to submit complete and original papers for this peer-reviewed Journal that center on the special issue journal theme ‘Design Economies |The Collaborative Impact’.

‘Design Economies |The Collaborative Impact’The proliferation of computational models both in practice and in the academy has led many designers and architects to participate in formative and often, entrepreneurial collaborations involving an array disciplines and allied industry partners. The measurable and effective impact of these partnerships has produced both virtual and real prototypes at a variety of scales and contexts. While the initial influence of these outcomes is visible within the global context of the design studio and is evident in the work of leading-edge practitioners, a range of opportunities centered on exploring the seams between ideation, innovation, and invention suggest an emerging design trajectory rooted not only in the moral imperatives of our time, but in developing intersections that undoubtedly will reframe future generations of educators and practitioners.
This call for submissions seeks scholarly research papers and creative projects and works that explore the collaborative context of an engaged design research methodology that has resulted in scenario planning, new products, and innovative processes that continue to shape today’s emerging design economies.

Authors are invited to submit complete and original papers that have not been published elsewhere and are not currently under consideration for another journal or conference. The submissions should be full-length papers (3000 - 5000 words, maximum length 6000 words) complete with illustrations reporting original research or practice.

IJAC Paper Submission Guidelines
In order to facilitate the review process, authors are required to submit their paper by uploading to the IJAC review system. The IJAC template must be used and the referencing style observed.
Formatting guidelines can be downloaded at:

Submissions to the IJAC system should be accompanied by the phrase “Design Economies Special Issue” entered into comment box in the on-line form.

Important Submission Dates/Deadlines:
Preliminary Submission Deadline: 15 April 2011
Notification of Acceptance: 06 May 2011
Final Submission Deadline: 1 June 2011
Submittal to Publisher: 1 July 2011
Publication Date: 2011

jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011

Co-de-IT @Firenze March 25-27 by Giulio Piacentino

Advanced Grasshopper Workshop
Advanced Grasshopper
This is a scripting course based on RhinoCommon and its utilization within Grasshopper. It is designed to allow the user to accomplish more with this algorithmic modeling program and has the goal to enter the programming world and tinker more complex, interactive solutions. We will also explore advanced programming paradigms. There is no class official programming language, as both C# and Vb.Net are possible on the participant’s side, and all examples will be provided in both C# and Vb.Net. Additionally, we will see how to get started writing full .Net plug-ins. Finally, we will have time to explore user’s own proposals on the third day.
The participants number is established to a maximum of 20 people in order to ensure a fruitful tutoring as well as a consistent learning experience to all participants.
More information here

sábado, 5 de marzo de 2011

AA Symposium: Debating Fundamentals: Probing the Autopoiesis of Architecture

Architectural Association
» March 11, 2011 10:00 AM
Participants (tbc):
organised by Patrik Schumacher

The debate will be guided by the issues raised in Patrik Schumacher's book The Autopoiesis of Architecture, which is being published by Wiley. Volume 1 was launched at the AA on 7 December 2010; Volume 2 will come out in autumn 2011. The purpose of the book is to give leadership to the discipline. It presents a systematic treatise on architecture, a unified theory constructed on the basis of a comprehensive discourse analysis of the discipline, rationally reconstructed as autopoietic system of communications, within the framework of Niklas Luhmann’s social systems theory. 

The theory of architectural autopoiesis constructs a unified theoretical system that integrates many partial theories. The following theories are presented in Volume 1: theories of architectural theory; of architecture’s historical emergence; of the discipline’s self- demarcation; of the avant-garde; of the form-function aesthetic theory; of style(s), design media theory; and of architecture’s societal function. (Volume 2 continues with theories of architecture’s task articulated into an organisational, a phenomenological, and a semiological dimension; design process theory; of architecture’s relevant societal environment; of architecture’s relationship to politics; of architectural self-description. Volume two ends with a comprehensive argument for parametricism as unified, epochal style for the 21st century.)
Guests/speakers might pick one of following topics/questions (or bring anything else into the debate):

A fundamental question of ethos/ideology/discursive culture: Should we – the participants/protagonists of architecture –  commit/submit ourselves to a collective debate arguing about the direction in which architecture should progress?
Is all relevant architecture globally relevant architecture, i.e. world architecture?
In which way is architecture autonomous? Is architecture one of the great autopoietic function systems of society?
Demarcating architecture: Does architecture/design constitute a sui generis discursive field and domain of expertise distinct from art, engineering and science?
The raison d’etre of architecture: Does architecture have a specific role or function to fulfil within society?
Does architecture have a stable discursive core identity? Which are the permanent and which the variable communication structures of architecture?
Can architecture be defined via its lead distinction of form vs function?
Is the distinction between avant-garde and mainstream a useful schema to analyse what goes on in architecture?
What is the role of architectural theory? Can there be architecture without theory?
Is the category of beauty still valid within architecture? What is the role and raison d’etre of aesthetic values?
What is the significance and import of the evolving design media?
Is the category of style(s) still valid (or even necessary) within architecture?
Does it make sense to propose a comprehensive, unified theory of architecture in the form of an elaborate theoretical system?

These are topics that might be raised by any of the speakers, or these might be questions with which the speakers might be confronted by the host. The idea here is to share a set of questions without necessarily allocating or selecting questions.

ACADIA 2011 Regional - Parametricism

CONFERENCE March 10-12, 2011
ACADIA 2011 Regional - Parametricism:  Student Performance Criteria (SPC), is set to complement ACADIA’s mission of facilitating communication and critical thinking regarding the use of computers in architecture, with a specific focus on the impact of education and how computation and computational thinking, particularly the concept of Parametricism*, is poised to evolve design thinking and the future of architectural practice.  In a type of radical parametric pragmatism, we invite sessions, papers, and discussions to the ACADIA Regional Conference that projectively interrogate a parametric frontier which both engages and surpasses fulfillment of SPC, and other regulatory criteria, in the pursuit of design innovation and elegance. Far from a solitary academic endeavor, it is our goal that the conference becomes a conversational interface between practitioners, educators, researchers, designers, and students. Each, bringing implementations in computational and parametric based design, development, production, management, and manufacturing that have infiltrated, integrated, and excelled working methodologies and resultants. * Patrik Schumacher

Tom Verebes, oceanD 
Jeff Day, MIN | DAY 
Nate Miller, NBBJ

martes, 1 de marzo de 2011

The Eclipse of Beauty: Parametric Beauty

The Eclipse of Beauty: Parametric Beauty
The Harvard GSD Symposia on Architecture
Piper Auditorium, Gund Hall. Cambridge, MA. USA.
 » March 9, 2011 06:30 PM - 08:00 PM
Public Lecture
  • Mario Carpo, Vincent Scully Visiting Professor of Architectural History, Yale University. Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology 
  • Ingeborg Rocker, Assistant Professor of Architecture, Harvard GSD 
  • Michael Meredith, Associate Professor of Architecture, Harvard GSD 
What has happened to architectural beauty? It used to be the fundamental value of architectural theory and practice, the touchstone of every conceivable achievement for a discipline that considered itself primarily as an art. Today, the word is seldom pronounced by theorists and professionals, at least in public. Even critics and historians tend to avoid the loaded term.

What has happened to architectural beauty? Its eclipse is all the more surprising given that architectural aesthetics is everywhere. The architectural star-system is to a large extent based on signature forms that herald the originality of their authors. The so-called "Guggenheim effect" has fundamentally to do with the visual seduction exerted by Frank Gehry's project on a large public, from connoisseurs to simple passers-by. It has paved the way for all sorts of prestigious architectural commissions, often linked to the cultural sector, museums, libraries, opera houses requiring visually striking answers that can be appreciated by a broad audience. Usually entrusted to a relatively small cohort of elite architects, these commissions nevertheless contribute to define the tone of contemporary architectural debate. Even if the term beauty is rarely invoked to characterize their power of seduction, the aesthetic dimension plays a determining role. Download a full description (pdf) of The Eclipse of Beauty symposia

This event is free and open to the public.
For more information, contact: Brooke King

martes, 15 de febrero de 2011

Log 21 Winter 2011: Parametricism

The Winter 2011 issue of Log features a tug-of-war of ideas and compelling reflections on where architecture might go, running across time from preservation to parametricism, with insightful entries from around the globe in between. Is parametricism the next great style after modernism or is our understanding of progress misguided altogether? Will preservation make its march around the world faster than the parametric Pied Piper? Leading voices chart new courses for form, note of the blistering speed of preservation globally (with some doubts about its authenticity), dispel some myths, and tell true stories of names, weight, and archives.

  • Michael Cadwell, The Weight
  • Carson Chan, Diary from Venice: Another Biennale
  • Elena Crippa & Tom Vandeputte, Space as Praxis
  • Tom Daniell, Kiyoshi Sey Takeyama: What's in a Name? (A True Story)
  • Ole W. Fischer, Afterimage: A Comparative Rereading of Postmodernism
  • Mark Jarzombek, The Metaphysics of Permanence - Curating Critical Impossibilities
  • Rem Koolhaas, CRONOCAOS
  • Roy Lichtenstein, A Room
  • Ariane Lourie Harrison, Learning from Laboratories
  • Markus Miessen, Archiving in Formation: A Conversation with Hans Ulrich Obrist
  • Mitnick Roddier Hicks, AnaLOG Cabin
  • Eric Owen Moss, Parametricism and Pied Piperism: Responding to Patrik Schumacher
  • Ingeborg M. Rocker, Apropos Parametricism: If, In What Style Should We Build?
  • Patrik Schumacher, Parametricism and the Autopoiesis of Architecture
  • Plus: On a Log... On a Bottled Ship... On an Island... On Konrad... On Images... On a Kitchen... On Google...

viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010

Patrik Schumacher, Parametricism and the Autopoiesis of Architecture

September 15, 2010 6:30AM - 8:30AM
Columbia University
Partner, Zaha Hadid Architects, Founding Director AADRL, London
Patrik Schumacher is partner at Zaha Hadid Architects and founding director at the AA Design Research Lab. He joined Zaha Hadid in 1988.
Patrik Schumacher studied philosophy and architecture in Bonn, London and Stuttgart, where he received his Diploma in architecture in 1990. In 1999 he completed his PHD at the Institute for Cultural Science, Klagenfurt University. In 1996 he founded the "Design Research Laboratory" with Brett Steele, at the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London, and continues to serve as one of its co-directors. Since 2004 Patrik Schumacher is also tenured Professor at the Institute for Experimental Architecture, Innsbruck University. Currently he is also a guest professor at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna.
The lecture will present the case for Parametricism as a new unified, epochal style for the 21st century. The reach of Parametricism is global, and its scope is universal, including urbanism, architecture, interior design, as well as furniture and product design. The discussion of Parametricism will be conceptually framed within the theory of architectural autopoiesis which analyses architecture as a self-referentially closed system of communications that takes exclusive and universal responsibility for the innovation of the built environment within society. During the last 30 years society radically transformed into what one might call post-fordist network society. The attendant crisis of Modernism engendered a period of radical critique, experimentation, and theoretical confusion. Only recently, in the new millenium, has a new avant-garde movement gathered sufficient strength, coherence and confidence to establish a new global paradigm after modernism. Against this horizon  Parametricism will be defined operationally  - both positively and negatively -  via its  functional and formal heuristics. The arguments will be illustrated and underpinned by recent work from Zaha Hadid Architects and from the AA Design Research Lab.

sábado, 4 de septiembre de 2010

Patrick Schumacher: Parametricism and the Autopoiesis of Architecture

September 13, 2010 7:30PM
Graduation Pavilion

Patrick Schumacher: Parametricism and the Autopoiesis of Architecture
Intro by Eric Owen Moss

Schumacher studied philosophy and architecture in Bonn, London, and Stuttgart, where he received his Diploma in architecture in 1990. In 1999 he completed his Ph.D. at the Institute for Cultural Science, Klagenfurt University. In 1996 he founded the Design Research Laboratory with Brett Steele, at the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London, where he continues to serve as one of its co-directors. Since 2004 Schumacher has been a tenured Professor at the Institute for Experimental Architecture, Innsbruck University. Currently he is also a guest professor at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. His extensive theoretical writings are available at 

The lecture will present the case for Parametricism as a new unified, epochal style for the 21st century. The reach of Parametricism is global, and its scope is universal, including urbanism, architecture, interior design, as well as furniture and product design. The discussion of Parametricism will be conceptually framed within the theory of architectural autopoiesis, which analyses architecture as a self-referentially closed system of communications, taking exclusive and universal responsibility for the innovation of the built environment within society.

During the last 30 years, society radically transformed into what one might call a post-Fordist network society. The attendant crisis of modernism engendered a period of radical critique, experimentation, and theoretical confusion. Only recently, in the new millenium, has a new avant-garde movement gathered sufficient strength, coherence and confidence to establish a new global paradigm after modernism. Against this horizon, Parametricism will be defined operationally, both positively and negatively, via its functional and formal heuristics. The arguments will be illustrated and underpinned by recent work from Zaha Hadid Architects and from the AA Design Research Lab.

sábado, 12 de junio de 2010

Automation in Construction: Special Issues

Automation in Construction is an international journal for the publication of original research papers. The journal publishes refereed material on all aspects pertaining to the use of Information Technologies in Design, Engineering, Construction Technologies, and Maintenance and Management of Constructed Facilities.

Volume 19, Issue 4 (2010), pp. 387-520 (July 2010)
edited by Ricardo Jardim-Goncalves, Antonio Grilo

Volume 19, Issue 5 (2010), pp. 521-664 (August 2010)
Building Information Modeling and Collaborative Working Environments
edited by Antonio Grilo, Ricardo Jardim-Goncalves

domingo, 30 de mayo de 2010



Proyecto de Norma (documento tecnico ABNT)  elaborado en Brasil durante el año 2009 por un comite de representantes profesionales, academicos, empresariales y del sector publico. Consultar aqui: Texto Norma Bim- Consulta Nacional
La Sociedad Iberoamericana de Grafica Digital (Sigradi) es la principal organizacion academica y profesional en latinoamerica, que desde hace quince años esta dedicada al desarrollo y debate de los nuevos medios tecnológicos en arquitectura y diseño.
Este blog pretende difundir y discutir las posibilidades del nuevo paradigma de Modelacion de Información Constructiva (BIM: Building Information Modeling), que permite integrar a los proyectistas, ejecutores y proveedores en el proceso de edificación, mejorando la productividad y calidad de la actividad constructiva. Pretendemos revisar en particular el desarrollo de normativas, estrategias de trabajo y actividades de colaboración en este ambito, para arribar con acciones especificas al XIV Congreso Sigradi el 17-19 de Noviembre en Bogota, Colombia.
Invitamos entonces a compartir antecedentes, eventos, posibilidades y opiniones sobre BIM en Iberoamérica.
Dr. Rodrigo Garcia Alvarado, U. Bio-Bio, Concepcion, Chile
Coordinacion Grupo BIM-SIGraDi

sábado, 24 de abril de 2010

modeLab Parametric Design Workshop | NYC

This workshop will engage the conceptual and technical domain of parametric design by introducing participants to systemic processes capable of registering and responding to a range of diverse ecologic criteria. Emphasis will be placed on workflows that utilize constraint-based design, associative modeling techniques, and environmental influencers to discover novel and inventive design solutions. More information

viernes, 9 de abril de 2010

Tre anni di DigitAG :: Book by Andrea Graziano

Tre anni di blog ... non mi sembra vero.
Ho deciso di farne un ebook-pdf per alcuni motivi:
  • Iinnanzitutto perchè può essere comodo per chi arriva sul mio blog per la prima volta in modo da farsi una idea del tutto senza non doversi necessariamente navigare tutto il blog.
  • Perchè è una collezione di link sempre a portata di mano.
  • Perchè nella sua semplicità è uno specchio (in)fedele di ciò che è successo in questi tre anni nel campo della ricerca architettonica digitale, del suo sviluppo, delle sue mutazioni e della vasta proliferazione sul web di siti e sperimentazioni inerenti.
  • Per ringraziare tutti coloro che ho linkato e che sono i veri protagonisti del blog.
Grazie a tutti!
Congrats Andrea! un abrazo, Pablo.

miércoles, 24 de marzo de 2010

AW1. Diseño Paramétrico y Fabricación Digital

Abril 19-24, 2010. Lima, Perú.
El AW1 es un Taller de diseño Asociativo y Fabricación Digital de una semana de duración, es impartido por ARTificial y está abierto a todos los diseñadores del continente Latino-Americano con interés en el uso y la aplicación de Rhinoceros+Grasshopper orientado a la fabricación digital, el uso de Maquinas de Fabricación Digital controladas por CNC y la inquietud por desarrollar nuevas formas de diseño y la re-definición de la realidad del Nuevo Continente.
Instructors: MArch. Krystian Kwiecinski (Director) + MArch. Luis F. Odiaga (Co-Director)

lunes, 8 de febrero de 2010

SIGraDi 2010: Call for Abstracts

Author Guidelines
The Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics SIGraDi call to participate to the XIV International Congress that will be held between 17th and 19th November 2010 in Bogota, Colombia.
Conference will be hosted by Universidad de los Andes, and will be put together by the Architecture and Design Department along with Engineering and Arts Departments.
Our 2010 main theme is Disruption, Modelation and Construction: Shifting dialogues.
The papers and works can apply to the proposed theme and/or to SIGRADI interest areas that contribute to the knowledge field divided in the following areas and focus on:
  • Design supported by collaborative ambients (CAD-i)
  • Human Machine Interfaces (HMI or HMHI)
  • Visualization and decision-making
  • Urban interventions
  • New media in heritage conservation
  • Didactics and curriculum
  • Disruption poetics

jueves, 4 de febrero de 2010

Workshops in Advanced Digital Tecnologies

Date/Time: February 13-14, 2010; 10am – 5pm
Cost: $100 students, $200 Professionals
The only constant in the relationship between design and technology is change. As designers we are inundated with new methods for the design, analysis, and fabrication of objects, buildings, and cities. In order to negotiate this dynamic relationship, we need ways to critically retool our design process. FORMATIONS, an annual event at the California College of the Arts, provides a platform for students and professionals in the design disciplines to explore, evaluate, and critique new technologies in an intensely productive atmosphere. FORMATIONS is a collaboration of the three research labs at CCA: MEDIAlab, URBANlab, and ECOlab. Each year the focus of the event evolves to reflect emerging research topics in the fields of architecture, landscape, and urban design in relationship to new media.
FORMATIONS 2010 will explore how emerging digital technologies can be used to engage the complex relationship between form, information and performance. Designers of buildings, landscapes and cities are increasingly searching for new analytic, synthetic, and generative tools that facilitate an integrative design process. FORMATIONS 2010 will investigate both established and experimental approaches to integrating parametric and performative modeling, information technologies, and interactive media. FORMATIONS 2010 will consist of a series of intensive two-day workshops that combine software tutorials with design charettes. The event will conclude with a public presentation and symposium. References

lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2009

MEDIALAB Prado :: Taller Open Up · Convocatoria para proyectos

Open Up es un taller de producción de proyectos para la fachada digital de Medialab-Prado. La presente convocatoria está dirigida a la presentación de propuestas para su producción en el taller-seminario que se celebrará en Madrid del 9 al 23 de febrero de 2010.

La fecha límite para la presentación de propuestas es el 10 de diciembre de 2009.

viernes, 30 de octubre de 2009

DOF nuevamente en Medellin

Generative Design Optimization Fabrication.
30 Noviembre al 4 de diciembre 2009.
Facultad de Arquitectura, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
Mas información aquí o contacte a Catalina Osorio de la Extensión Académica de U.P.B. Tel: 415 9015 Ext. 9186 ó al 415 9009 en Medellín.
Las personas interesadas también pueden comunicarse con Juan David Moreno o al tel (4) 412 3015 en Medellin.

martes, 27 de octubre de 2009

modeLab Parametric Design Workshop: NYC

This workshop will focus on the conceptual context and technical understanding of parametric design through a carefully constructed 2-day curriculum. Participants will learn to engage the parametric modeling plug-in Grasshopper in a meaningful and productive way that draws upon the collective sensibility present in the group.

Instructors | Ronnie Parsons + Gil Akos | Partners, Studio Mode
All participants are required to bring their own laptops. Trial software will be made available.
Workshop Location : Gansevoort Studio | Meatpacking District, Manhattan.
Workshop Hours : 10AM-6PM

Dates : website
2009.October.20 | Workshop Announced.
2009.October.27 | Registration Opens.
2009.November.30 | Registration Closes.
2009.December.05 | Workshop Begins.

miércoles, 29 de julio de 2009

Design Parametrico, Curitiba, Brazil

Data: 17 a 21 de agosto de 2009 :: 14h ás 18h
Endereço: Universidade Positivo :: Rua Prof. Pedro Viriato Parigot de Souza, 5300 :: 81280-330 Curitiba, PR, Brasil

Ernesto Bueno, presenta el taller: Diseño Paramétrico como Estrategia Avanzada de Proyectos, un curso de extensión que será impartido con la coordinación de Gisele Pinna, los días 17 a 21 de agosto de 2009 en la Universidade Positivo, Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil.
La estrategia de Diseño Paramétrico estará basada en la enseñanza del software Grasshopper, el nuevo entorno de modelado generativo para Rhino que está revolucionando el mundo de la arquitectura y el diseño. Info

Registrations are now open for the workshop: Design Paramétrico como Estratégia Avançada de Projeto that Ernesto Bueno will teach, with the coordination of Prof. Gisele Pinna, from August, 17th to 21th, 2009 at Universidade Positivo, Curitiba, Brazil. More information.

sábado, 11 de julio de 2009

Parametricism by Patrik Schumacher

Parametricism: A New Global Style for Architecture and Urban Design
by Patrik Schumacher, Pages 14-23
Digital Cities AD: Architectural Design,
Vol 79, No 4 (July/August 2009)
Prof. Neil Leach (Editor)

Abstract PDF (Athens Login Required)
Though parametricism has its roots in the digital animation techniques of the mid-1990s, it has only fully emerged in recent years with the development of advanced parametric design systems.Patrik Schumacher explains why parametricism has become the dominant, single style for avant-garde practice today and why it is particularly suited to large-scale urbanism as exemplified by a series of competition-winning masterplans by Zaha Hadid Architects.
The following five agendas seek to inject new aspects into the parametric paradigm and to further extend the new style’s reach:

  1. Parametric interarticulation of subsystems
  2. Parametric accentuation
  3. Parametric figuration
  4. Parametric responsiveness
  5. Parametric urbanism

Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

miércoles, 8 de julio de 2009

Workshop [arquitectura y proyecto digital]

Como parte de la la Maestría de diseño en procesos innovativos (mdpi) de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (faud) entre el 20 y el 22 de julio se realizará el Workshop Arquitectura y Proyecto Digital. En el taller se analizarán casos de estudio donde las tecnologías digitales están transformando las técnicas y procesos de diseño y construcción.
El taller estará a cargo del Doctor Rodrigo García Alvarado de la Universidad Bio-Bio, Concepción, Chile y de la Doctora Underlea Bruscato de Unisinos, Sao Leopoldo, Brasil con la colaboración de Mauro Chiarella, de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral.
Mas información email :: blog

miércoles, 1 de julio de 2009

Parametric Design Workshop HTWK Leipzig: Reviews

Algunos resultados del desarrollo del taller difundido hace unas semanas:
  • Información del taller (Blog)
  • Programa (Blog)
  • Presentación de trabajos 26 al 29 de junio (Blog)
Gracias a Luis Fraguada :: Ioulietta Zindrou :: Maite Bravo :: Verena Vogler :: Dimitrie Stefanescu :: Henning Rambow :: Patrik Bedarf

sábado, 27 de junio de 2009

Workshop ENEDI 2009 FAU Universidad de Chile

Generative Design Optimization Fabrication.
23 al 27 de agosto 2009.

En su segunda versión (la primera fue realizada en Medellín en la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana), se prepara en la ciudad de Santiago D_O_F. Un workshop de exploración formal y espacial usando algoritmos generativos, seleccionando un conjunto de técnicas y estrategias para resolver problemas que hoy se presentan en el diseño y fabricación digital de formas complejas y euclidianas.
Bajo dos entornos de trabajo, entre técnicas interactivas y soluciones algorítmicas, se examinan conceptos y casos de estudio que le permitirán al participante decidir como y en que momento estas tecnologías pueden ser utilizadas como aliadas en los procesos de diseño y fabricación. Tomando como plataforma básica Rhino, se explora y optimiza el diseño y fabricación de topologías complejas bajo los entornos de Grasshopper RhinoNest y RhinoCam.

miércoles, 24 de junio de 2009

Parametric Prototypes: New Computational Paradigms in Architecture

International Exhibition Conference & Workshop
Xi’an China, October 2009
Curatorial Team: Minfei Jing :: Qin Pang :: Yanchuan Liu :: Feng Xu
Honorary Curatorial Chairman: Tom Verebes
During the 30 years since China’s international emergence, a parallel revolution has taken place across the global landscape of architectural culture – the digital revolution – which has transformed nearly every architectural office, institute and school around the world. Alongside this wholesale technological re-tooling of architectural practice and education lies the imminent intellectual challenge for our generation: To discover the theoretical, cultural and social implications of these new computational practices. The task of the contemporary architect is not merely to adopt ubiquitous technologies, but also to scrutinize how new methodologies help to re-think the endurance of culturally specific design arenas. The events related to this international exhibition, conference & workshop explore the evolving discourses related to the design and materialization of increasingly complex, computationally driven architecture. To be published as a hardbound book and catalogue, the aim of these events is to speculate upon, and to articulate, new design paradigms for the next generation.


Parametric Prototypes: New Computational Paradigms in Architecture
Opens on 17 October 2009
Parametric Prototypes crosses conventional disciplinary boundaries by bringing together a wide range of architects, urbanists, engineers, mathematicians, programmers, software developers, manufacturers, theorists, and other specialists. These six curatorial themes address the specific workflow procedures, modes of operation, decision-making and thought processes, inherent to parametric design and prototyping systems which migrate across various design industries.
  • Generative Systems :: Analysis & Feedback :: Synthesis & Application Documents & Communication :: Management :: Prototyping & Production

New Computational Paradigms :: 17-18 October 2009
All 15 main exhibition contributors will be invited to participate in a conference all day on Saturday 17 October, and the morning of Sunday 18 October 2009, including the presentation of conference papers, projects, and round table discussions. In addition to these 15 participants, a selection of other theorists, writers, designers, artists, musicians, mathematicians, programmers, and software developers will participate in this conference. Further details will be announced soon.

Parametric Prototypes :: 12-16 October 2009
An intensive workshop, open to current students, graduates and professionals, will be led by experts in parametric design and prototyping technologies. Further details on the agenda, application procedures and fees will be announced soon.

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2009

IJAC: Submission Deadline. 1 July 2009

Incorporating computational theories and technologies in architectural design
International Journal of Architectural Computing
Published by Multiscience, UK
Volume 7, Issue 4, 2009 ISSN 1478-0771
24 issues are available electronically

Issue Editors
Gabriela Celani
UNICAMP Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil
Pablo C. Herrera
UPC Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Peru
Underleia Miotto Bruscato
UNISINOS Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Brazil

Submission Deadline: 1 July 2009
Notification of Acceptance: 1 August 2009
Re-submittal Deadline:1 Sept 2009
Submittal of final revised paper: 15 Sept 2009
Publication Date: November 2009

New computational theories and technologies that aim at improving the architectural design and production processes have been developed in the past decades. They include generative design, building information modelling, virtual and rapid prototying, digital fabrication, shape grammars and so on.
These theories and technologies have been well explored in the academic environment and well discussed in international conferences. However, except for a few famous architectural firms, it is not clear to which extent they have effectively changed general architectural design practice and industry.
Do young architects effectively apply what they have learned in school, or they simply go back to the old methods when they face the reality of daily work? Are there any differences among the different countries in terms of how these technologies are assimilated by architects and the construction industry?
In this number of IJAC we would like to find out what is the real impact of architectural computing in the work of the new generation of architects and in the built environment throughout the world.
The submissions should be in one of these categories:
(1) Full-length papers (3000 - 5000 words, maximum length 6000 words) reporting original research.
(2) State-of-the-art reviews, which will be either perspective tutorial articles in rapidly evolving fields or comprehensive scholarly reviews of significant topics.
(3) Short papers (1500 ­ 2000 words) presenting original research inconcise form.
Template and guidelines can be downloaded here
Authors are required to submit their paper by uploading to the IJAC review system and notify by email the Issue Editors that a paper was uploaded.

domingo, 15 de marzo de 2009

SiGraDi 2009: Call for Abstracts

SIGraDi 2009 sp Sao Paulo, Brasil
FAU Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
Important Dates/Fechas Importantes
Deadline for abstracts: April 15, 2009
Call for Abstracts: January 1, 2009
Reminder call for Abstracts: February 1, 2009
Evaluation Process: April 16 - July 15
Results notification: July 15, 2009
Submission of Full Papers: July 16 - September 15, 2009
Venue: November 16-18 , 2009
More information Español :: English :: Portugues

jueves, 14 de agosto de 2008

Detras del acuerdo Bentley/Autodesk

El U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology calcula que anualmente las compañías de arquitectura, ingeniería y construcción pierden alrededor de 16 mil millones de dólares en retrasos por incompatibilidad entre aplicaciones AEC.
A través de este acuerdo, se lograran resolver problemas de compatibilidad entre las dos aplicaciones mas importantes de la industria AEC lo que llevaria a concentrarse en problemas de diseño y análisis en menor tiempo. DGN en AutoCAD y DWG in Microstation.
El Doctor Robert Aish, actualmente lidera el equipo de desarrollo de soluciones para diseño en AEC de Autodesk como Director of Software Development. En noviembre del 2007, Aish (el padre del Generative Component en Bentley y lider de los talleres Smart Geometry) salió de Bentley al parecer por una mejor oferta de Autodesk. Aunque los pronósticos hacían pensar que muchas de las aplicaciones de Generative Component se verian en Revit al parecer no será así. Autodesk ha decidido que la dupla Revit/3DS Max continue con exploraciones en visualización al haber incluído MentalRay en la versión del 2009. Por otro lado, la dupla Inventor/Maya será la aplicación en la industria AEC para el diseño conceptual, tal como se pudo ver en la convención de la AIA realizada en Boston en Mayo.
Esto confirma la presentación del Autodesk World Media Days 2008 en San Francisco a principios de año en donde la frase Architectural Design With Inventor se difunde por vez primera y se presentan diseños de edificios de altura dentro de este entorno usado para manufactura. La dupla se complementó con la estación de trenes modelada en Autodesk Maya y su facilidad para modelar blob shapes bajo la tecnología de Nurbs. Asi como Catia fue modificado por Gehry Technologies en el Digital Project, ¿pasará lo mismo con Inventor?
Aun es dificil hacer un diagóstico sobre la implementación de estas tecnologías en los estudios de arquitectura y sobre todo en latinoamérica. Revit ha empezado a posicionarse fuertemente en las facultades de arquitectura mas no con la misma velocidad en la profesión. El acceso de los estudiantes a Students Design Community de Autodesk (iniciado en el 2005, en la actualidad mantiene mas de 310.000 miembros) ha despertado interés en la comunidad académica, especialmente porque se descarga de manera gratuita.

sábado, 9 de agosto de 2008

Bogota: Diseña tu 3DMundo

Los innovadores, cuando eligen una aplicación para diseñar, no buscan si esta fue creada para arquitectura. Indagan si se acerca a resolver problemas propios (y a veces también de otros) en forma, visualización y fabricación. En muchos casos, problemas que el programador (de quien tomamos la aplicación) nunca se imaginó. Es así, como la solución no está en una aplicación, está en el conjunto de conocimientos que conectamos de todas las aplicaciones que conocemos. Buscar experiencias en otras industrias llevó a la construcción del Guggenheim y otros tantos proyectos de formas complejas, y es que el diseño se aproxima a darle solución a problemas en diferentes escalas desde un botón a un avión. Así como no hay un tipo de lápiz para arquitectos no hay una aplicación que solucione todo en una industria. Quién no podría negar, que las formas complejas de una joya o calzado, la visualziación con Brazil o la fabricación con RhinoCAM no le serviran para darle solución a sus problemas de diseño. Los invito a experimentar y llevar experiencias logradas en otras industrias a la propia en Diseña tu 3DMundo / Design your 3DWorld Workshops. Aquí se tienen programados talleres con especialistas de diferentes partes del mundo, que se realizaran bajo el auspicio de McNeel USA, compañía creadora del software de modelado 3D: Rhinoceros.
Los talleres se realizarán en la Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano el 4 de Setiembre de 9:00 am a 1:00 pm y de 2:00 pm a 6:00 pm. Previo a las conferencias.
  • RhinoGOLD (¿Qué es RhinoGold?)
    Instructor: Rafael del Molino. CEO de TDM Solutions, España. Temario
  • Brazil (¿Qué es Brazil?)
    Instructor: Facundo Miri, gerente de producto de Flamingo y Brazil, Argentina.
  • RhinoCAM (¿Qué es RhinoCAM?)
    Instructor: Ovidio Cardona, gerente de producto RhinoCAM, Colombia.
  • Footwear Design / Diseño de Calzado
    Instructor: René Medel, especialista en calzado, Chile. Temario

Mas informacion y registro

jueves, 17 de abril de 2008

DigiToolbox: Generative Components Library

La Universidad Ball State (EEUU), mantiene actualizado el wiki DigiToolbox, un repositorio de información sobre diversos aspectos del diseño y fabricación digital. Desde Generative Components Library podrá encontrar una introducción a esta versión de Bentley.

jueves, 10 de abril de 2008

Architectural Geometry, edicion 2008

Bentley Institute Press acaba de publicar la segunda edición de Architectural Geometry de H. Pottmann, A. Asperl, M. Hofer y A. Kilian. Desarrollado como libro de texto para estudiantes de arquitectura y diseño industrial contiene material de fundamentos y otros para iniciar investigaciones posteriores. Los temas que se incluyen son 1. Creating a Digital 3D Model, 2. Projections, 3. Polyhedra and Polyhedral Surfaces, 4. Boolean Operations, 5. Planar Transformations, 6. Spatial Transformations, 7. Curves and Surfaces, 8. Freeform Curves, 9. Traditional Surface Classes, 10. Offsets, 11. Freeform Surfaces, 12. Motions, Sweeping, and Shape Evolution, 13. Deformations, 14. Visualization and Analysis of Shapes,15. Developable Surfaces and Unfoldings, 16. Digital Prototyping and Fabrication, 17. Geometry for Digital Reconstruction, 18. Shape Optimization Problems, 19. Discrete Freeform Structures. Puede adquirirse desde Amazon y las Universidades y académicos pueden comprarla con descuento en Bentley.

jueves, 3 de abril de 2008

Exploring New Architectural Languages Based on Digital Design and Manufacturing Methods

Visité la primera convención en el 2006 y ahora en su tercera versión regresa a Boston. Este año VisMasters reune a expositores de 17 paises incluidos Jens Borstelmann y Thomas Vietzke Directores de proyecto en el estudio de Zaha Hadid de Londres que confirmaron su participación el día de hoy y son el tema de esta entrada. Este año se tendrán dos conferencias en paralelo alternando temas de Architectural Visualization y Building Information Modeling. Y por primera vez a dejado de ser un evento paralelo a SIGGRAPH 2006 (Boston) y 2007 (San Diego). Este año tendrá como contexto la Convencion de la American Institute of Architects.

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2008


Biological Processes and Computation
Octubre 16-19 Minneapolis
Abril 4. Fecha límite para presentar resumenes
Abril 25. Fecha límite para entrega de ponencias y proyectos

sábado, 22 de marzo de 2008

Urban Computing and Its Discontents

Architecture and Situated Technologies Pamphlet 1
Urban Computing and Its Discontents
Adam Greenfield y Mark Shepard
Se pone en evidencia que la sintaxis a través de la cual creamos un mapa mental o una imagen de la ciudad interactuando con las rutas, distritos, bordes y nodos, propuestos por Lynch en The Image of the City se esta replanteando a través de la incorporación de nuevas tecnologías como inteligencia computacional, tecnologías en pantallas del tamaño de fachadas, el geotagging, redes sociales moviles, redes inalambricas públicas del gobierno, realidad aumentada o infraestructura inteligente. ¿Qué sucede cuando interactuamos con espacios y objetos de la ciudad usando Google Maps, un teléfono celular y un GPS o le proporcionamos a 60 personas un GPS y rastreamos la posición y circulación de ellas en la ciudad?, ¿Qué sucede cuando tomamos esos datos para facilitar el acceso a otras personas?. En este primer número de una serie de 9 se reunen y explican como estas tecnologías y conceptos de telecomunicación interactivos se agrupan en el término Urban Computing. Publicado por la Architectural League de New York y co editado por Omar Khan, es el resultado del simposio Architecture and Situated Technologies realizado en el 2006. La versión electrónica del primer número está disponible en PDF (8308 Kb).

viernes, 21 de marzo de 2008

AA’s Design Research Lab, 10th Anniversary

Architectural Association Design Research Lab
Entre el 25 de Febrero y el 18 de Marzo se llevó a cabo la exhibición con motivo de los diez años de experiencias del DRL, aunque estaba programada para ser presentada en febrero, se publica este mes DRL TEN: A Design Research Compendium. Editado por su actual Director Tom Verebes. Con prologos de los fundadores o coordinadores Yusuke Obuchi, Theodore Spyropoulos y Schumacher. Ensayos de Mark Burry, Christopher Hight (Against Pedagogy: We Have NOTHING to Teach You!), Jesse Reiser y Brett Steele. Así como las entrevistas a Andrew Benjamin, Mark Cousins y Zaha Hadid.
¿Desea leer el Prologo de Patrik Schumacher Style as Research Programme? (HTML).
La estructura del libro está hecha en base a los temas hechos en sus primeros 1o años (1997-2007), Corporate Fields I, II y III, Nanourbanism, Responsive Environments I, II y III, Create Space y Parametric Urbanism I y II. Con el mismo fin se diseñó y construirá el pabellon DRL TEN. ¿Desea ver el proceso? tiene el Blog CSpace donde se documenta el proyecto bajo la selección de Rafael Contreras, arquitecto de la UPC y AA DRL MArch Student 2007-2009.

jueves, 20 de marzo de 2008

Conferencias 2008

Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia
Chiang Mai, Thailandia, Abril 9-12, 2008
Beyond Computer Aided Design
Resumenes hasta Setiembre 15, 2007 Temas.

education and research in
computer aided architectural design in europe
Antwerp, Belgica, Sept 17-20, 2008
Digital Media and its Applications in Cultural Heritage
Amman, Jordania, Noviembre 3-6, 2008
Resumenes hasta Marzo 30, 2008. Temas.

Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture
Minneapolis, Minnesota, Octubre 16-19, 2008
Resumenes hasta April 4, 2008. Temas.

International Society on Virtual Systems and Multimedia
Resumenes hasta Junio 2, 2008. Temas
Sociedad Iberoamericana de Gráfica Digital
La Habana, Cuba, Diciembre 1-5, 2008
Resumenes en fecha a ser anunciada.
Deadline for Abstracts (TBA)

lunes, 10 de marzo de 2008

Rhinoceros Digital Design and Manufacturing Platform for Architects

Instructores: Stephan Seifert y Rodrigo Bárcena (McNeel Europe), Affonso Orciuoli (UIC)
07-08 Abril 2008, 9:30-17:30h
Dentro del marco de la Conferencia Internacional de Arquitectura organizada por la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya se realizará el taller de diseño y fabricación digital. Información detallada e inscripciones.

domingo, 9 de marzo de 2008

Rhino Workshop :: Master Class

La fecha limite para las inscripciones a los siguientes talleres es el 15 de Marzo.
Organic Modelling in Rhino V4
Instructor: Ioannis Zonitsas (Visual-Dream, Germany)
7 - 9 April 2008, 2.00 pm - 6.00 pm
High Quality Surfacing, Advanced Filleting And Blending
Instructor: Jim Carruthers (Hydraulic Design, Canada)
7 - 9 April 2008, 2.00 pm - 6.00 pm
3D Sketching in Rhino
Instructor: Jorge Biosca (Sure Design, Spain)
7 - 9 April 2008, 2.00 pm - 6.00 pm
The mathematics of Aesthetics
Instructor: Jess Maertterer (DE-DE, Germany)
7 - 9 April 2008, 2.00 pm - 6.00 pm

miércoles, 2 de enero de 2008

SmartGeometry 2008

Se han ampliado la recepcion de postulaciones al SmartGeometry 2008 hasta el 7 de Enero.
Fechas importantes:
Febrero 26 – 28 Generative Components Pre-Training Class
Febrero 29 – Mazo 3 SmartGeometry Workshop
Marzo 4 SmartGeometry Alumni Summit
Marzo 5 SmartGeometry Conference and Reception